Parents Council 2003
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Parents Council 2003
Aims & Objectives
New Activities

PTC to Council

Please be informed that the Parents-Teachers-Committee of Seri Insan has been renamed Parents Council. Please refer to the President's address for more information.

The Parents Council for 2003 is detailed below:


Council Members 2003

Patron: Pengiran Hussein    
Advisor: Kathryn Rivai    
President: Ronny Cham    
Secretary: John Pickens    
Treasurer: Janny Lee    
Committee Members:    
  Laurentius Kitingan    
  Lim Mui Len    
  Margaret Yap    
  Estonella Fung    
  Penelope Abu Husin    
  Dr. Dave Sidhu    

  Council e-mail:

We welcome ideas, suggestions and comments. Please forward to us here.
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