New Constitution
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The new constitution of the the Parents Council has been finalised and endorsed by the Board.



Rule 1. Name, Registered Address and Postal Address

(1) The Parents Council of Sekolah Swasta Seri Insan shall be known as "Jawatan Kuasa Majlis Ibu Papa Sekolah Swasta Seri Insan" in Bahasa Malaysia ("the Council").

(2) Its registered address shall be at Medan Perdana, Lorong Medan Perdana, Kurnia Perdana, Baru 3 ˝, Jalan Tuaran, 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, or such other place or places as may from time to time be decided by the Executive Committee.

(3) The registered address and postal address of the Council shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Board of Management ("the Board") of Sekolah Swasta Seri Insan ("the School").

Rule 2. Aims and Objects

The aims and objects of the Council is to serve as the official organization of parents individually and corporately working with the Board, administration and faculty of the School in promoting the general welfare of the students and in making a distinct contribution to the life and spirit of the School community.

Rule 3. Membership

(1) All parents and guardians of students of the School are deemed to be members of the Council. All members shall comply with the rules and constitution of the Council and subscribe fully to the aims and objectives of the Council.

(2) All members are entitled to attend and vote at General Meetings of the Council and are eligible for election to the Executive Committee except a member who is also a teaching staff of the School, but only one parent or guardian per family may be elected to the Executive Committee.

Rule 4. Entrance Fees, Subscriptions and Other Dues

There shall be no fee payable for entrance or membership of the Council.

Rule 5. Cessation Of Membership

A member shall cease to be a member of the Council if he or she shall no longer have a child as a pupil of the School.

Rule 6. General Meeting

(1) The supreme authority of the Council is vested in a General Meeting of the members. At least one half of the total membership of the Council or twice the total number of members of the Executive Committee, whichever is the lesser must be present at a General Meeting for the proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum.

(2) If half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be postponed to a date (not exceeding fourteen [14] days) to be decided by the Executive Committee; and if a quorum is not present half an hour after the time appointed for the postponed meeting, the members present shall carry on with the business of the day but they shall not have power to alter the rules and constitution of the Council.

(3) An Annual General Meeting of the Council shall be held as soon as possible after the close of each financial year but not later than 31st of March on a date and at a time and place to be decided by the Executive Committee. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

To receive the President’s report on the working of the Council during the previous year;

To receive the Honourary Treasurer’s report and the audited accounts of the Council for the pervious year;

To elect an Executive Committee and to appoint auditors for the ensuing year;

To deal with such other matters as may be put before it for which due notice has been given pursuant to sub-rule (5) hereof;

(4) A notice of the Annual General Meeting stating the agenda, the date, the time and the place, and calling for motions for discussion, motions for amendment of the Rules and nominations for the election of the Committee shall be sent by the Honourary Secretary to all members no later than twenty-one (21) days before the date fixed for the meeting, and this notice shall also be prominently displayed at the registered address or place of meeting of the Council.

(5) Any motion for discussion at a general meeting must be sent to reach the Honourary Secretary not later than seven (7) days after the receipt of the notice.

(6) Any nominations for the election of officers must be received by the Honourary Secretary at least seven (7) days before the date of an Annual General Meeting.

(7) The Honourary secretary shall prominently display at the registered address or place of meeting of the Council at least four (4) days before an Annual General Meeting nominations for the election of officers, for the perusal of members.

(8) An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Council shall be convened:

(a) Whenever the Executive Committee deems it desirable, or

(b) At the joint request in writing of not less than twenty-five per centum (25%) of the total membership, stating the objects and reasons for such meeting.

(9) An Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by members shall be convened on a date within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of such requisition.

(10) Notice and agenda for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be forwarded by the Honourary Secretary to all members at least fourteen (14) days before the date fixed for the meeting.

(11) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this rule regarding the quorum and the postponement of an Annual General Meeting shall apply also to an Extraordinary General Meeting, but with the proviso that if no quorum is present after half an hour from the time appointed for a postponed Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by members, the meeting shall be cancelled, and no extraordinary general meeting shall be requisitioned for the same purpose until after the lapse of at least six (6) months from the date thereof.

Rule 7. The Executive Committee

(1) An Executive Committee consisting of the followings shall be elected at Annual General Meeting:-

(a) A President;

(b) A Vice-President;

(c) An Honourary Secretary;

(d) An Honourary Treasurer;

(e) Seven (7) Executive Committee Members

(2) A list of the members of the elected Executive Committee ("the office-bearers") shall be prominently displayed at the registered address or place of meeting of the Council.

(3) The Principal (in his/her absence or at his/her instruction, the Vice Principal) shall be the Advisor of the Council.

(4) The Chairman of the Board shall be the Patron of the Council.

(5) Any Chairperson of Sub-Committee referred to under Rule 7(12) and Rule 8(5) hereof who is not one of the office-bearers shall be co-opted as Co-op Executive Committee Member but he/she shall have no voting right in Executive Committee meetings.

(6) Names for the office-bearers shall be proposed and seconded and election will be by a simple majority vote of the members at the Annual General Meeting.

(7) The function of the Executive Committee is to organize and supervise the day-to-day management, administration and running of the activities of the Council in accordance with the provisions of these rules herein and in conformity with the aims and objectives of the Council and the general policy laid down by the General Meeting.

(8) The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every two (2) months and, seven (7) days notice of each meeting shall be given to its members by the Honourary Secretary. The President acting alone, or not less than three (3) of its members acting together may call for a meeting of the Executive Committee to be held at any time. At least one half of the Executive Committee members must be present for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum.

(9) Where any urgent matter requiring the approval of the Executive Committee arises and it is not possible to convene a meeting, the Honourary Secretary may obtain such approval by means of a circular letter. The following conditions must be fulfilled before a decision of the Executive Committee is deemed to have been obtained,

(a) The matter must be clearly set out in the circular, properly addressed and forwarded to all members of the Executive Committee;

(b) At least one-half of the members of the Executive Committee must, within the period stated in the circular, which period shall not be less than 2 working days, indicate in writing whether they are in favour or against the proposed matter; and

(c) The decision must be by a majority vote. Any decision obtained by circular letter shall be reported by the Honourary Secretary to the next Executive Committee meeting and recorded in the minutes thereof.

(10) Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have resigned from the Executive Committee.

(11) In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other member of the Council to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.

(12) The Executive Committee shall, at the advice of the President, constitutes and appoints such sub-committees as may be necessary for the purpose of conducting the day-to-day management, administration and running of the activities of the Council.

(13) The Executive Committee shall within twenty-eight (28) days after the holding of the Annual General Meeting submit the annual returns of the Council to the Principal and the Board.

Rule 8. Duties of Office Bearers

(1) The President shall during his term of office preside at all general meetings and all meetings of the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for the proper conduct of all such meetings. He shall have the casting vote. He shall, in conjunction with the Honourary Secretary and the Honourary Treasurer, sign all cheques on behalf of the Council.

(2) The Vice-President shall deputize for the President during the latter’s absence.

(3) The Honourary Secretary shall conduct the business of the Council in accordance with its rules, and shall carry out the instructions of the general meeting and of the Executive Committee. He shall be responsible for conducting all correspondence and keeping all books, documents and papers except the accounts and financial records. He shall maintain a membership register with particulars of names age, identity card numbers, occupations and addresses of every member. He shall attend all meetings and record the proceedings. In conjunction with the President and the Honourary Treasurer he shall sign all cheques on behalf of the Council.

(4) The Honourary Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the Council. He shall keep accounts of all its financial transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness. He shall, in conjunction with the President and the Honourary Secretary sign all cheques on behalf of the Council.

(5) Any member of the Council may be appointed as Chairperson of a sub-committee properly constituted and appointed by the Executive Committee under rule 7(12) hereof and all subcommittee chairpersons shall serve on the Executive Committee as Co-op Executive Committee Member.

(6) The Executive Committee shall at least constitute and appoint the following minimum number of Sub-Committees for the purpose hereinafter stated:

(a) Communication Liaison Committee – Assists in the publication of the School Directory, newsletters, brochures, leaflets, promotion materials, setting up of website, for purpose of communication and dissemination of information to and amongst members on all the activities of the Council and the School.

(b) Staff Appreciation Committee – Assists with organizing special lunches/dinners, goodie bags, etc. for staff, hosts at least two lunches/dinners during the school year.

(c) Reading Enhancement and Library Committee – Assists with the development of programmes to encourage reading and creative writing skills; planning book fairs; assists the library staff with collection development and with cataloguing and classification of library materials; implementing programmes to develop students’ library usage and research skills and assists in helping students to find and assess information sources.

(d) School Beautification and Grounds Committee – Assists school principal, students, and staff in organizing grounds clean-up and beautification projects

(e) Parents Liaison Committee – Assists the Admissions Office in making new parents feel welcome to the School, Hosts reception for new parents. Calls new parents to give them information about the School, to encourage them to participate in Council’s activities, and to answer their questions; Assists to provide refreshments and staffing for conferences, meetings, and other social events for parents for the promotion and fostering of good will and understanding amongst parents.

(f) Yearbook Committee – Assists to record and document activities of students. Works with the principal and staff to develop a theme, organize pictures, write, copy and produce the layout for a yearbook. Coordinates printing and distribution.

(g) Sports & Recreation Project Link-up Committee – Assists link-up in sporting and recreational activities between our students and local schools students, including competitions and tournaments and to provide prizes and rewards.

(h) Special Projects Committee – Assists to provide parent volunteers to assists the School and its students with any special projects organized or undertaken by the School. Signing up and registering parents volunteers to help the School, its students and sponsors with special projects throughout the year.

(i) Class Parents Committee – Assists to coordinate class-parents meetings, coordinate classroom volunteers to assist teachers with special class projects, assists to plan organize and staffing of class or form outdoor events. Class-parents meetings shall be organized with the sanction of the School Principal, and the School Principal, shall chair such meetings, in his/her absence, the Vice Principal.

Rule 9. Financial Provisions

(1) Subject to the following provisions in this rule, the funds of the Council may be expended for any purpose necessary for the carrying out of its objects including the expenses of its administration, the payment of salaries, all allowances and expenses to its office-bearers and paid staff, and the audit of its accounts, but they shall no account be used to pay the fine of any member who may be convicted in a court of law.

(2) The Honourary Treasurer may hold a petty cash advance not exceeding RM300.00 at any one time. All money in excess of this sum shall within seven (7) days of receipt be deposited in a bank approved by the Executive Committee. The bank account shall be in the name of the Council.

(3) All cheques or withdrawal notices on the Council’s account shall be signed jointly by the President, the Honourary Secretary and the Honourary Treasurer. In the absence of the President, the Honourary Secretary or the Honourary Treasurer the Executive Committee shall appoint one of its members to sign in his place.

(4) No expenditure exceeding RM 5,000.00 at any one time shall be incurred without the prior sanction of the Executive Committee, and no expenditure exceeding RM 100,000.00 at any one time shall be incurred without the prior sanction of a General Meeting. Expenditure of less than RM 5,000.00 at any one time may be approved by the President together with the Honourary Secretary and the Honourary Treasurer.

(5) As soon as possible after the end of each financial year, a statement of receipts and payments and a balance sheet for the year shall be prepared and audited by the Auditors appointed under Rule 10. The audited accounts shall be submitted for the approval of the next Annual General Meeting and copies shall be made available at the registered address or place of meeting of the Council for the perusal of members.

(6) The date of commencement of the financial year of the Council shall be from the 1st of January and shall end on 31st December annually.

Rule 10. Audit

(1) Two (2) persons who shall not be office-bearers of the Council shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting as Honorary Auditors.

(2) The Auditors shall be required to audit the accounts of the Council for the year and to prepare a report or certificate for the Annual General Meeting. They may also be required by the President to audit the accounts of the Council for any period within their tenure of office at any date and to make a report to the Executive Committee.

Rule 11. Interpretation of Rules

(1) Between Annual General Meetings the Executive Committee shall interpret the rules of the Council and, when necessary, determine any point on which the rules are silent.

(2) Except where they are contrary to or inconsistent with the existing rules of the Council or the policy previously laid down by the General Meeting, the decisions of the Executive Committee shall be binding on all members of the Council unless and until countermanded by a resolution of a General Meeting.

Rule 12. Prohibitions

(1) None of the following games shall be played in the premises of the School: Roulette, Lotto, Fan-Tan, Poh, Poh Bin, Belangkai, Pai Kau, Tau Ngau, Tien Kew, Chap Ji Kee, Sam Cheong, Twenty-one, Thirty-one, Ten and a half, all games of Dice, banker’s games and all games of mere chance.

(2) The Council shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Council or its office-bearers, Executive Committee, sub-committee or member.

Rule 13. Amendment to Rules

These Rules may not be altered or amended except by resolution of a General Meeting. Application for any such alterations or amendments shall be made to the the Board within twenty eight (28) days from the date of the decision to make the change or the amendment and shall take effect from the date of their approval by the Board.

Rule 14. Dissolution

(1) The Council may be voluntarily dissolved by a resolution of not less than three-fifths of the total membership at a General Meeting specially convened for the purpose or by the Board with or without the recommendation of the Principal.

(2) In the event of the Council being dissolved as provided above all debts and liabilities legally incurred on its behalf shall be fully discharged and the remaining funds shall be disposed of in such manner as may be decided upon by the Board

(3) Notice of dissolution shall be given within fourteen (14) days of the dissolution to the Board.


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